To design or Not To Design?

Barbies. By social definition they are a plastic doll with a specific set of physical features which children play with in order to entertain themselves. Now, when it comes to choosing ones Barbie the child has a range of physiques and professions to chose from. By choosing what Barbie they want the child is inadvertently selecting their preferred vision of ‘human’ (Dittmar, H., Ive, S., & Halliwell, E., 2006, p. 283-292). Think of this scenario in terms of designer babies. If we as potential parents have the ability to select specific physical features of our children then are we not doing the same thing as that child is by choosing the doll he or she wishes to play with? If you compare the idea of a genetically altering your child’s physical features with that of a child selecting his or her toy based on its features or its colourful clothing, is that not similar? In response to this week’s lecture on trans-humanism an argument will be formed around the idea of genetic modification of infants. Despite the negative connotations of designer babies, the use of genetic modifications for medical purposes can have positive impacts on today’s society. In order to better understand this topic, I will be discussing the ramifications of altering a baby’s: gender, health or appearance.

Gender. It’s a simple question, would I want my child to be a girl or a boy? But in today’s society is it that black and white? The social hierarchy throughout history shows us that males are dominant over females and are therefore the superior species (Mungello, D. 2008 p.1-9). In ancient Rome the fathers had authority over the entire household. Ultimately they controlled who lived and who died. Langer W. (1974) comments that as a child’s worth was judged on their build “it would seem likely that female babies were promptly disposed of after birth”(Lange W. 1974, p.129). As ruthless as this idea might seem many other cultures practiced similar notions of infanticide. China, India and Aztec are the most well known. This quote from a scholar-poet Su Shi describes one of the reasons why infanticide in china occurred (Yutang, L. 1947, p.220-223). If these civilizations had the option to choose the gender of their child what do you think they would choose? A boy or a girl? You might be thinking why do I need to know any of this? Albert Einstein once said, “Any fool can know. The point is to understand” (Dalcher, P. 2014, p.3). My point is that we as future parents need to understand that people (whether it be now or in the past) may be prejudice towards one gender and therefore pick one over the other. Now this is not necessarily bad but if like in ancient Rome or China the majority of females were disposed of, society would become unbalanced in terms of boy to girl ratio. What would our society look like? In 2015 the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) conducted a survey that compared males and females in society and found that, “men continue to hold the majority of Australia’s top leadership positions” (ABS, 2015). It was also recorded that 65% of “Commonwealth justices and judges and 77% of all State Supreme Court and Court of Appeal judges were [men],” (ABS, 2015). An article by Philips K. (2016) discusses the benefits diversity has in the workplace. Commenting on the notion that all parties involved have a chance to learn from each other and therefore have a more balanced approach to running an organization (Philips, K. 2014). In corroboration to this idea a study was conducted by Deszö C. and Ross D. which studied the effect of gender diversity on the top firms in the U.S. they found that “companies that prioritized innovation saw greater financial gains when women were part of the top leadership ranks”(Ross, D., & Deszo, C. 2012 p.1-20). Overall, diversity is important to the growth of our society; if we give people a definitive option to choose the gender of their child this concept may become unstable. Thus, if society focuses on the ABS statistics instead of the facts gained from Philips’ research, it might be possible that parents may be prone to choosing the gender of their child based on the idea that they will be earning more money for their future household, in a similar way to history where men were the sole bread bearers in the family.

Health. It is a vital part of our lives. While the medical profession has advanced over the years and have found the cures to many diseases there are still many more genetic and hereditary diseases out there that do not have a cure. By using the IVF biotechnological engineers are able to genetically modify a child’s DNA in order to reduce genetic markers that cause certain genetic and hereditary diseases, much the same way that a child’s appearance or gender could be modified (Regalados, A. 2015). Doctor Luhan Yang who was interviewed in an article for MIT (2015) explains this idea rather well when he says, “By editing the DNA of these cells or the embryo itself, it could be possible to correct disease genes and pass those genetic fixes on to future generations. Such a technology could be used to rid families of scourges like cystic fibrosis”(Regalados, A. 2015). According to the Australian Cystic Fibrosis Data Registry (2013) in the year 2012 3,156 people were recorded as having cystic fibrosis (Bell S., 2013, p.1-11). It is also clear from this graph the number of adults diagnosed is rising. If we had the resources available to reduce this number for future generations don’t we owe it to them to try?

Appearance is something that the media is always talking about. It is part of our identity, of whom we are as individuals, its part of what makes us individual. But if someone was permanently designed in the way another wanted what does this do to his or her identity? From birth they were designed with the features of another persons desires. An article written by CBSNEWS in 2009 discuses a similar idea to this, except they talk about the issue from an economical standpoint as well as an ethical one. The topic of enhancing a human physical form is discussed between two opposing parties where Dr. Jeff Steinberg (who is against it) argues it should not just be about what you can sell to a client but what you can do to help their needs (CBSNEWS, 2009). He also states earlier in the article that he disagrees with being able to genetically modify the appearance of ones child so freely as for him it would come down to: preference of a ‘the best’ trait, economic status of the patient and lastly economic profit of the doctor (CBSNEWS, 2009). There is also the idea that people can abuse this modification process. Aryan race or the master race was an idea Hitler tried to instil in to Germany before and during World War II in the 1900s (Lind M, 2016, p.1). His tactics in creating this ‘pure race’ were propaganda, encouraging Aryan women to have children by giving them safe havens for them to give birth in, awarding Aryan men with Hünenkreuz medal of purity. He even went as far as to alter the social hierarchy so that the Aryan race was at the top and non-Aryan were at the bottom (South African History Online, 2011). Now what’s to say that this will not happen in today’s society through the use of this leap in genetic biotechnology?

To design or not to design? That is the question and one that will generate much debate today and into the future. Diversity within gender is important to the growth of our society. If we give people the opportunity to choose the gender of their child, given the historical preference towards males, this may lead to a socially disabling gender imbalance. A person’s individual identity may become something of another’s desires as well as a doctor’s profit, through the exploitation of genetically modifying a child’s appearance at the behest of the parent. Despite the negative connotations of designer babies, the use of genetic modifications for medical purposes can and does have positive impacts on today’s society. It is helping to reduce genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis. But I leave the decision up to you, what is your opinion on the matter? What is advancement and what is going too far?

Here is the link to the video



Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS),. (2015). 4125.0 – Gender Indicators, Australia, Aug 2015. Retrieved 20 April 2016, from

Bell, s., Bye, p., Cooper, P., Jack, D., Jaffe, A., & Martin, J. et al. (2013). CYSTIC FIBROSIS IN AUSTRALIA 2012 (1st ed., pp. 1-11). Baulkham Hills NSW: Cystic Fibrosis Australia. Retrieved from

CBSNEWS,. (2009). “Designer Babies” Ethical?. Retrieved 20 April 2016, from

Dittmar, H., Ive, S., & Halliwell, E. (2006). Does Barbie Make Girls Want to Be Thin? The Effect of Experimental Exposure to Images of Dolls on the Body Image of 5- to 8-Year-Old Girls (1st ed., pp. 283–292). American Psychological Association. Retrieved from

Lind, M. (2016). The German ‘Master Race’. (pp. 1) Retrieved 24 April 2016, from

Ross, D., & Deszo, C. (2012). Does Female Representation in Top Management Improve Firm Performance? (1st ed., pp. 1-20). Smith School of Business. Retrieved from

South African History Online,. (2011). How did the Nazis construct an Aryan identity? | South African History Online. Retrieved 24 April 2016, from

Books/ Journal Articles

Burgess,M. (2016). Looking good gives workers an even better chance of success in their careers. Courier Mail, 1(1). Retrieved from

Dalcher, P. (2014). Making Knowledge Count: Where to find Meaningful Information. PM World Journal3(6), 3. Retrieved from

Langer, W. (1974). Further Notes on the History of Infanticide. History Of Childhood Quarterly, 2(3), 129. Retrieved from

Mungello, D. (2008). Drowning girls in China (pp. 1-9). Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Philips, K. (2014). How Diversity Makes Us Smarter. Scientific American, 1(1). Retrieved from

Regalado, A. (2015). Engineering the Perfect Baby. MIT Technology Review, (1). Retrieved from

Yutang, L. (1947). The Gay Genius: The life and Times of Su Tungpo (pp. 220-223). New York: John Day.

To design or Not To Design?

Academic form for DOCOLOCO

The academic form seemed very straight forward: use ajax to send user information to the overlord file while making sure that it was sanitised and could validate while the user was answering questions. Making the form link to the overlord file through ajax was simple as I had done this previously for the search engine. However a feature that was suggested to me was to add  a feedback button that showed only when I user was logged in and would (if clicked) display the feedback from. Using java script to make the form appear when one clicked or touched the button worked which I was pleased with but it was’t clear to the user that they had to scroll down in order to use the form. So now I had two problems to solve making it only appear when someone was logged in and allowing the screen the scroll to the form when a user liked on the button.

Logging in vs Logging out

For this problem I first turned to the other files that I had as I knew that other something similar had been done previously. From there I simply copied and pasted the required code  into my file and checked to see if it worked. At first glance it appeared to work the button I had created for the feedback was no longer visible on my current screen which was a good sign. When trying to make an account however I had trouble accessing the conformation link for the login and after some brainstorming with fellow team mates I figured out that it was because I had stored the files under another file therefore the link didn’t exist.

Lesson learnt: make sure you have placed your files in the same area as others  or at least make the logical leap that my file path may be different to others and therefore I need to check it.

Once that blonde moment was fixed I had an account with which I used to make sure that the button was visible, which it was much to my relief and it still displayed the feedback from once I clicked on the button which was excellent as it left me with only one problem.


Scrolling screen animation to particular element

When thinking about how I was going to love this problem I knew that it would require jQuery which was the first step. As per usual I googled screen scrolling and started sorting through the results. The first site I looked at was W3 schools which went through I piece of code that while got to a certain destination was not exactly what I wanted.


<button onclick=”scrollWin()”>Click me to scroll horizontally!</button><br><br>

function scrollWin() {
window.scrollTo(500, 0);

I also found another function called scrollTop(); which also looked promising but again did physically scroll to screen like I wanted it to.

After adding the word animation into the mix I got more promising results by adding the animate() function with other functions such as the scrollTop:$().offset().top},1000); function. This allowed the screen to scroll to physically scroll like I wanted it to.

I finally ending up with this:

function scrollWin() {
scrollTop: $(‘#aca_form’).offset().top
$(‘#aca_form_button’).on (‘click touch’, function() {

At first I had the scrollWin and the $(‘#aca_form’).show(); the other way around and nothing worked. at first I couldn’t understand why I put he scrollWin function into the console to  make sure it worked and it did, but when I clicked the button it didn’t seem to want to do anything. It was pointed out to me that the information needed to be shown first in order for the scrollWin function to work. Which when you think about makes a lot of sense as the jQuery can’t read the aca_form id if its not there.

Academic form for DOCOLOCO

PHP Mailer

While working on the Amped UP website it came to my attention that the way I was using a from to send an email was outdated and insecure. This led me to the idea of a PHP mailer.

At first I was optimistic about using it, it was something new that as more secure and more popular that using action=’’ in the <form> tags. From looking at the documentation (although didn’t really make that much sense to me) it did seem easy to put together, plus all the reviews were positive which is a good sign right? Once I had downloaded the file and read through the documentation I tried to create a form that would send data from the form to my email but for some reason the POST values weren’t saving. After this happened I found out that I had misspelt the name of the POST queries which once I changed seemed to work fine… well at least there was’t any errors 🙂

In order to make the values were passing through I var_dumped the POST value and came up with this image

Screen Shot 2016-04-21 at 10.38.47 am.png

Which of course I have no idea what to do with or what default object from empty value means even though all the code says is:

$sendmail->CharSet = ‘utf-8’;


From what I understand this should tell the mailer that I am using a gmail account.

Due to the time con straight on this website I wasn’t able to fix this problem before I had to put it online so I had to use action and mailto. I don’t think that was thefts idea however I will continue to try and find a solution to this and update the from when I can at the moment it still does what it needs to which is send an email but in the future I would like to solve all problems before putting the content up on the net.

PHP Mailer