PHP Mailer Again

PHP mailer again.  This time I thought I’ve done this five times now surely nothing can go wrong… Well I would be wrong.  It’s not that it wen t horribly wrong just that is couldn’t work. The mailer couldn’t connect to the mail server and therefore the whole thing went AWAL.

I looked into connection problems (as you do) and I found an article that put the whole $mail = SEVER HOST : … ; into perspective. Really,  the host part makes so much more sense now. The idea of this section is to connect to a database of sorts which allows the mail to pass through to the wanted account. Fake instructed me that it was unwise to rely on just any host sever. That if you did  you are relying on the server to send the emails and this server could crash at any second without your knowledge effectively cancelling your contact serve. So gmail is the way to go evidently.

I’m so please I am starting to understand what PHP mailer actually does. 🙂



PHP Mailer Again

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